Mar.6-12 CLASSIC 2025 新品享 5% OFF
漫存·息息 三月課程報名中!春日鹿角蕨陶板新上線 報名

The story of Milky Way ring

NT$ 98.64

還記得我們的經典系列戒指Twinkle twinkle嗎?當時的文案是「小王子裡的B612星,彷彿戴上它的我是永遠長不大的孩子,嗯,是永遠長不大沒錯。」

作為summer 21 系列唯一的戒指品項,我們復刻了這款經典戒指,全新的寬版戒面多了凹凸的不平整設計,從過去纖細保有菱角,到這次的厚實帶著凹痕,彷彿長不大的小王子也有些許改變,歲月總在我們身上留下一些痕跡,


Do you remember the “twinkle twinkle” ring of the classic collection?
It reminds me of the prince from Le Petit Prince,who was born on planet B612. Wearing it makes me feel like we’re the kids that never grow up. Yes, never grow up.
As the only ring of the 21 summer collection,we recreate it into a grown up version. We might not be the same as we used to be,but the star will always shine.


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